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Our engineering team includes all the different specialties (mechanical, electrical, civil and performance) in order to develop basic, conceptual, and detailed design of the complete solar power plants. The design is made following general instructions and target set by our clients like generation maximizing, season focus, project execution shortens, etc.
We can also provide standalone engineering activities such as:
Considering site conditions, client requirements, codes, and standards, etc., we develop the complete plant layout identifying and recommending the best arrangement for all civil and mechanical elements like roads, ditches, trenches, cabling routing, mounting structures allocation, power stations, buildings, evacuation system, etc.
Optimization criteria such as maximizing capacity, minimizing earth movements, avoiding difficult areas, minimizing footprint, etc., are either set up by our clients or left for our consideration.
Drawings using the software selected by the client and assumption book is provided as deliverables.
Single line diagrams (SLD)
Of the power plant or storage system as well as the evacuation scheme. SLD also includes cabling sizing in case that a layout is available, either provided by the client or developed by us.
Bill of Quantities (BOQ)
Based on the layout and single line diagram, a complete list of materials with quantities ready for the cost estimation is developed. List includes all the materials contributing to the cost structure as well as an estimation of other nonmaterial elements like transportation, insurances, overheads, etc. that also influence the complete capex of the power plant.
Communication Scheme
Both wired or wireless and including all relevant elements of the power plant and/or storage system. The scheme also includes communication protocols used by the system.
Cost Estimation
Based on the design done by us or the design provided by the client and our pricing data base we evaluate the cost of the complete plant.
Yield Estimation
Based in the configuration of the plant we calculate the best possible generation of the power plant or energy throughput of the storage system using different bankable type of software
Performance Model
For complex systems where yield estimation is not enough like PV + batteries systems, we build the performance model in order to size and optimize all the different components of the plant.